
What is Chiropractic Adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment, also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation, is a common for lower back pain treatment.
A chiropractic adjustment refers to a chiropractor applying manipulation to the vertebrae that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally.
Benefit Chiropractic Adjustment :
- Reducing pain from muscle contractions
- Reduction of swelling and resulting pain
- Improving blood flow in the injured area
- Improving the movement of joints
Chiropractic, which is also called manual therapy, is a sub-branch of complementary therapies and is a type of treatment for the problems of the skeletal system of the human body. Those who use this method perform movements on the patient’s body and teach him some exercises. They teach the patient how to use their organs properly in doing daily tasks to prevent skeletal problems, in this method, no medicine is used and nutritional counseling may also be prescribed. The basis of chiropractic treatment is the movements of the therapist’s hands.
The maneuvers performed by a chiropractic therapist are such that he first lays the patient on a special bed and then applies forces and pressure to certain parts of the body with his hand, parts of the spine. He twists and pulls the vertebra and organs more than usual, or inflicts sudden blows with high speed but low intensity. They believe that with these pressures, the joints that are locked or do not move well will regain their normal movements, and as a result, the function of the spine and its nervous system will improve.
Osteopathic treatment is also a method to evaluate, treat and prevent a wide range of diseases and physical problems. An osteopathic physician uses a combination of movements, stretches, soft tissue massage, and manual therapy techniques on muscles and joints to improve their function, relieve the patient’s pain, and speed up the healing process.
Chiropractic diagnosis
Usually, the initial visit of the chiropractic doctor is in addition to the consultation and complete examination of the spine. A chiropractor will perform a complete examination of your spine to be able to diagnose biomechanical disorders or subluxations. Different devices and methods may be used for a more complete diagnosis. All these different examination techniques used by the chiropractic doctor are without risk, pain and side effects. The symptoms of biomechanical disorders and curvature of the spine can be seen in radiographs, while the lesions of tissues, nerves, muscles and discs can not be seen. MRA, thermography, and CT scan are also used for further diagnosis.
After a complete examination, the chiropractic doctor will give you his diagnosis. If you have a biomechanical complication or displacement, the doctor will discuss it with you and explain its extent and severity. Your doctor will talk to you about the complications and design the necessary treatment plan for you. This treatment program can include spinal adjustment, special exercises or changes in the daily life system. The work of a chiropractor is not to treat symptoms, but their task is to find the cause of the disease, which is displacement, and correct it. In the early stages of treatment, several consecutive treatment sessions may be needed, and in case of improvement, the number of these sessions is reduced and for the patient in this It is considered the phase of the health maintenance program. It should not be expected that the displacement of the vertebrae will be treated in just a few sessions.
To ensure that the spine returns to its correct position and all the vertebrae are in their proper place and the muscles and tendons are working properly, the chiropractor should work on the patient in a sufficient number of sessions. There are three different stages in chiropractic treatment. is. The first stage is the intensive treatment phase. At this stage, the doctor’s goal is to reduce the stress caused by damage to the spine and nervous system.
The second stage is called the regeneration phase, in this stage, the spine adjustment is done in a line, but the controlled spine should still become stronger and be able to remain in the right condition for a longer period of time.
The third phase is called the health phase. It is at this stage that the spine has become strong enough to be able to remain in the posture. This step is similar to the regular schedule of having your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist or your teeth checked by a dentist.
Chiropractic method
To perform chiropractic maneuvers, only the therapist’s hand or equipment may be used. While performing movements by the therapist, sounds may be heard in the spine, which is due to the movement of joint surfaces and the release of gas bubbles in the joints of the spine. Just like when you press the finger joints, the sound comes out of them. Chiropractic maneuvers are usually not painful, however, after some movements, the patient may have local pain for several hours.
Ergonomics is a correct training method using It is the body and the chiropractor prescribes the necessary recommendations considering the conditions of the patient in order to prevent possible injuries from the work and life environment or sports. For example: computer programmer, dentist, hairdresser, housekeeper, etc.
As mentioned, the main field of chiropractic activity is the treatment of back pain and neck pain. However, sometimes they may work in the treatment of headache and some other joint pains. The chiropractor examines the history of the disease and then touches the spine without movement and by moving and determining the irregularity of the joints and tissues around the damaged area and after seeing The results of complete tests, including orthopedic, neurological, chiropractic tests and the necessary X-rays, MRI-EMG (electrical muscle test) and bone density, etc., find out the origin of the disease and deal with its treatment.
Of course, it should be remembered that the chiropractor acts holistically, in fact, he also considers the overall mental and physical condition of the patient. From the point of view of a chiropractor, the spine is known as the basis of health and the main cause of diseases and illnesses caused by The spine is a disorder of the normal functioning of the nervous, muscular and skeletal system of the body, the health and recovery of the patient is achieved through adjustment.
Adjustment is done only by a chiropractor. The art of using hands is very important in doing adjustment, because the amount of pressure applied, the speed and the place of pressure must all be measured so that the adjustment is done correctly and accurately.
Sometimes the chiropractor uses physical therapy methods to reduce the patient’s pain. Methods such as:
- cold and warmth
- massage
- ultrasound
- diathermy
- Electrical stimulation of muscles
- Attraction
- Infrared Ray
Chiropractic treatment
The main goal of the doctor with special expertise in adjusting and adjusting the joints is to solve the biomechanical problems of the spine and the neurological complications related to it. Special exercises and exercises, proper nutrition and the guidance provided by the chiropractic doctor can prevent and improve each of the The following diseases hav
e a major role, because all of them are of particular importance for the health of different systems of the human body, which is effective in the recovery of the patient. The main diseases related to chiropractic are discomforts caused by the spine, especially back pain and radiating pain in the legs (sciatica). ), neck pain (headache) is one of the major diseases that people suffer from during their lifetime.
Joint disorders of the spine, neck and lumbar disc, scoliosis, sciatica, cervical migraines, neck, back and lumbar muscle pain are the most active. Doctors form chiropractic. In addition, chiropractic treatment can play an important role in preventing and helping to treat spinal deviations (scoliosis). Chiropractic doctors are also skilled in treating knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist and ankle discomforts and arthritis and treat such diseases with The treatment is successful.
Spine deviation: or scoliosis is a structural disease of the spine that includes 4-5% of the society. There are three different types of scoliosis:
• The first type during infancy, which is from birth to three years old.
• The second type is related to childhood, which is from the age of three.
• The third and most common type of spinal deviation is idiopathic structural deviation, which includes 80% of all spinal deviations. Usually, this type of deviation progresses with age and can lead to many problems at older ages.
Spine deviations that are 30 degrees or more can increase by 5 degrees per year, which eventually lead to early back pain caused by arthritis, lumbar disc, and even spinal canal stenosis in older age, those deviations that especially include hunchback. They can have very negative effects on heart and lung function. The best way to treat spinal deviation is its timely diagnosis. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the more successful its control and treatment will be with non-invasive methods.
Therefore, it is recommended that all adolescents at the age of 8-10 undergo initial examination. Chiropractic treatment is one of the non-invasive methods that can be an effective help in controlling spinal deviation, especially in those patients who have hunchback.
A chiropractor will have a favorable effect on the treatment and prevention of scoliosis by using special treatment techniques in the office and with continuous exercise at home and follow-up. In the treatment of scoliosis by chiropractic method, efforts are made to avoid using scoliosis medical corsets as much as possible. However, in some cases of scoliosis, the use of these types of corsets is considered mandatory and part of the treatment.
What is the cause of the irregularity or out of balance of the spine vertebrae? Apart from congenital factors such as spinal deviation (scoliosis) and other factors such as injuries caused by accidents, falling, not paying attention to proper maintenance of organs in certain conditions (ergonomics), sitting Improper posture, hunching while standing, lack of proper sports activity, mistaking light or heavy objects are the main causes of spine damage. In addition, pathological or metabolic factors can also cause deviation in the spine, which leads to scoliosis.
Disc disease and the discomforts caused by it: The spine is made up of 24 movable vertebrae, between which there are 23 fully movable vertebrae and 23 complete discs. The main function of the disc is to regulate the pressure and control the stress (biomechanical pressures) on the vertebral column. Damage to this important organ causes the space between two vertebrae to close. This causes stimulation of the peripheral nerve root, which ultimately leads to the emergence of clinical effects, such as sciatica, pain, numbness and muscle weakness. The most common causes of disc disease is the drying of the outer part of the disc, which is mainly caused by premature wear and tear caused by movement disorders of the spine.
Effective factors in spinal disorders:
In addition to congenital and idiopathic factors such as scoliosis of the spine, pathologies such as tuberculosis, factors such as physical injuries that include accidents, falling, not paying attention to maintaining the body properly when waking up and sleeping, picking up light or heavy objects incorrectly, sports injuries or Occupation is one of the main causes of spine injury.
These injuries have become an epidemic in industrialized countries and have had irreparable effects on societies at different levels. By comparing different methods such as modern medicine and chiropractic with a long distance both in terms of treatment time and economically and most importantly, In the field of recovery, it has been more effective. In the treatment of these diseases and abnormalities, the chiropractor uses methods such as special stretching and movement exercises, nutrition and ergonomic guidelines that can be different in each person’s life, which speed up and make it last longer. The patient’s recovery has a great effect.
The length of treatment depends on several factors. including age, genetics, gender, being acute or chronic, the presence of mental and physical pressures, the percentage of damage to the desired tissue and working conditions, all of which determine the time of recovery and treatment. For example: the length of treatment is definitely not the same in two patients of the same age and suffering from the same disc, one of whom is calm and positive and the other is negative and nervous.
In addition, factors such as doing heavy work and difficult job conditions, old age, smoking or other medical problems can also have a negative effect during the treatment. There is no age limit for starting chiropractic treatment. Because spine irregularities are possible at any age. It is worth mentioning that the majority of patients with advanced spine disorders have a history of long-term pain, which unfortunately has not been properly diagnosed and treated.
If people had referred to a chiropractic doctor in the early stages of the disease, not only would they have been treated in a shorter period of time, but their advanced spine and joint disorders would also have been prevented (prevention is better than cure). If the patient’s discomfort is related to chiropractic expertise, this method is the cheapest, best and most effective way of treatment.
Mental relaxation is very effective in chiropractic treatment. When a person is mentally stressed, hormones are released in his body that have a negative effect on the injured area and make the treatment time longer. For example: a person suffering from migraine or lumbar disc etc., in nervous and critical conditions, causes the pain to intensify and prolong the treatment period.
Irregularity of lumbar joints and disc: the loss of order and balance in a spinal unit leads to the damage of the soft tissue surrounding that muscle unit, and with the occurrence of instability, spasms (muscle cramps) occur and the nutrition of the damaged area, which is caused by the current Blood is done and disturbed. This is while the disc between the vertebrae, which in healthy conditions is made up of 85% water, has an urgent need for movement between the two vertebrae in order to maintain health and healthy nutrition.
Any disturbance in the movement between the two vertebrae can lead to dryness and the disc becomes weak and this problem causes its outer part to tear and then its central content which is gelatinous gets out and puts pressure on the nerve root and spinal cord and this is one of the causes of diseases related to the lumbar disc and radiating pains caused by It is like leg numbness and muscle weakness, etc.
It is worth mentioning that before the damaged and then ruptured disc puts pressure on the nerve root and spinal cord, the patient may not feel any pain. Therefore, it is better to go to a chiropractor and check the spine to prevent the lumbar disc and the pains caused by it. It is possible that a person does not have back pain, but has intervertebral limitations which, if not diagnosed and treated in time, can lead to be advanced to lumbar disc. So we conclude that in some cases, even if there is no pain, the disease can exist.
The most common thing that is done in chiropractic is to treat back pain and neck pain by manipulating (moving) the spine. Chiropractic therapists believe that the cause of many spine pains is partial dislocation in its joints, and therefore, by performing movements on the patient’s spine, those joints can be adjusted or reduced.
What diagnosis or treatment methods use by chiropractors?
When a patient visits a Chiropractor, it is usually because they are in pain and discomfort in their back or neck. Many patient’s pain is being caused by an injury that they have suffered due to a car accident, or due to years of poor posture.
Thankfully, Chiropractors are experts when it comes to issues of the musculoskeletal system, and can use their training to determine what exactly is the cause of your pain and then develop a customized treatment program to correct the underlying issue. However, in order to develop a treatment program that will be effective, Chiropractors must first arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
The diagnostic process that Chiropractors follow may slightly differ from doctor to doctor, but generally consists of three main phases:
1.Patient Interview
2. Physical Examination
3. Diagnostic Imaging Tests
By using the information that they gather from these three phases of diagnostics, Chiropractors are able to arrive at an accurate diagnosis so that treatment can begin.
So let’s take an in-depth look at each of these phases so that you know what to expect at your first Chiropractic Appointment.
When you arrive at the Chiropractor’s office for your initial consultation, your Chiropractor will ask you a series of questions so that they can better understand what you are experiencing and arrive at a diagnosis.
This is an important part of the diagnostic process because listening to the details of why a person has come in can help Chiropractors arrive at the correct diagnosis in a shorter period of time.
Some of the questions that your Chiropractor will most likely ask you include:
- Where are you experiencing pain?
- Is the pain constant or does it come and go?
- Are there certain activities that make the pain better or worse?
- Was there an injury that you are aware of?
- Does your daily routine include any strenuous activities or do you sit at a desk all day?
- What does your diet usually consist of?
The goal of asking all of these questions is so that your Chiropractor can familiarize themselves with you. The more information that they can gather about your lifestyle and body, the better they can treat you.
Getting answers to questions regarding your lifestyle is vital because there may be certain changes that need to be made in order to relieve your pain and keep it in remission.
The answers to questions regarding your symptoms and potential injuries are important to gather so that your Chiropractor knows what to look for and how to proceed with the next phases of the diagnostic process.
Physical Examination
After completing the interview and getting the answers to important questions regarding the patient’s symptoms and lifestyle, the next phase of the diagnostic process usually involves a physical examination.
During a physical examination, there are many things that your Chiropractor will be looking at. Usually, the physical exam includes tests that measure strength, range of motion, flexibility, and your body’s overall functionality.
The final step in the diagnostic process that Chiropractors generally follow involves having Imaging tests performed.
Strains and sprains most typically occur when we engage in tasks that our body is not accustomed to, or when we are involved in an accident. Lifting while twisting, or stretching past one’s limits are common causes of strains and sprains of the back. These can be extremely painful and are often accompanied by swelling and bruising of the surrounding area. Strains and sprains in the back tend to involve changes to the alignment of the spine and typically respond well to chiropractic care.
Diagnostic Imaging Tests
Although some Chiropractors have X-Ray machines in their offices and can perform them on-site, many times you will be recommended to a facility nearby to have your tests done.
Some of the common types of Imaging tests that a Chiropractor may order include:
- X-Rays
- MRI’s
- Cat Scan
- Ultrasound
It is up to your Chiropractor to use his judgment along with his previous findings to determine which Imaging tests if any, each patient requires.
At Integrity Auto & Work Injury chiropractic, back support means more than performing procedures. It means surrounding you with a supportive team of experts who understand the impact that back pain has on your life. physical therapists and pain experts all share common goals: to relieve your pain, restore your function and return you to good health with as little intervention possible.
If you have questions about how our team at Integrity Chiropractic Clinic can help you, please Call 503-352-0735 or schedule an appointment Online.